Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Cosmontological UNI-ball Poem Theory

Cosmological + Ontological = Cosmontological


The Cosmontological UNI-ball Poem Theory may have literally dreamed a real paradigm shift "out of the box" next step to Conformal Cyclic Cosmology (CCC) as offered by Roger Penrose. Namely, this sufi "poem theory" may be a daring SCIENTIFIC possible answer to the grand WHY (or what for) question that the CCC compels us to ponder deeply.
* Context, herein: 

Roger Penrose: Often we find an idea [that] seems crazy, turn out to actually be right.

Prof. Roger Penrose (91 years young--and super alert) delivering the 2022 Higgs Lecture at King's College, London, England
14 June 2022
See minutes 62 to 78, in particular. 

The Cosmontological UNI-ball Poem Theory

By: Moji Agha


Reducing poetry to prose is a form of “torture” for any poet.  This is especially true for a mystical (sufi "monk") dervish poet, like me.  However, such conversion is sometimes necessary to ensure the understanding (and communication) of the poet-scientist’s intent.  

Hence, in the below-presented VERY brief prosaic summary I am offering some of the main “pre-theoretical” cosmontological ideas that my dream-initiated “UNI-ball” poem contains. 

The Cosmontological UNI-ball -- by Moji Agha (Oct. to Dec. 2020)



The UNI-ball poem-theory's excruciatingly summarized outline:  

1.  There is only one, overall universe--hence the word “UNI-ball.”  There cannot be more than one.  This UNI-ball contains within itself all the “star stuff” spoken of by Carl Sagan, i.e., ALL  there is, has been, and will ever be, namely all singularities, big bangs, universes, black holes, aeons, etc. 

2.  If the UNI-ball is to have any "shape" (as we humans experience and define it), that shape must be a sphere.  Why?  So that no one particle, universe, or aeon, etc. within the UNI-ball can enjoy any superiority or advantage over the others.

3.  We earthly human beings are currently at a primitive state of evolutionary development.  So, we cannot even begin to reliably fathom the actual ontology of this UNI-ball.  We are left only to surmise the how and why of its existence.

4.  What is the nature of this UNI-ball, its structure, its function?   According to my dream and the resultant poem, it may be a giant recycling “machine,” within which the old gives birth to the new cosmontological realities, forever. 

5.  Ultimately, what is the possible purpose (and the meaning--the WHY) of the UNI-ball's cosmontological recycling?  What is it that may be going on actually--at least as revealed in my “sufi” dream-poem?  Could the answer to this almost unknowable question be that through all this "recycling" the UNI-ball may be evolving toward an awesome cosmontological self-actualization--or dare we say, perfection? 

6.  Is this "perfection" the eventual nature of the "God(s)" that all religions and spiritual traditions have been trying to imagine, well, primitively?

7.  AND WHY?  
We are too puny, far from being adequately evolved, to really know. 



Cosmological + Ontological = Cosmontological
* See the note below

MY Sufi Poem-Intuition:
Cosmontological Recycling UNI-ball, Renewing Itself Purposefully? By Moji Agha (Mojtaba Aghamohammadi) Oct. to Dec. 2020 Boulder, Colorado, U.S. The Cosmontological UNI-ball -- A Poem Theory
You know? I too "have a dream" say I, a goofy sufi dervish. I tell the truth and nothing but these dream-imagined truths under the penalty of perjury. So help me god! OK? I hereby witness to a cosmontological UNI-ball the one and only UNI-ball somehow some-why. My herein imagined (in fact, literally dreamed) UNI-ball which has the universe, multiverse, aeons and every THING in its belly is a REALLY BIG perfect sphere of perhaps a symphony of strings (?) so as to be perfectly just to all its inhabitants. This one and only EVER cosmological UNI-ball has come to be for ontological reasons NO ONE can fathom somehow some-why somewhere some-when. Thus, my UNI-ball is like a perfect red apple hanging up there on the "purposeful" branch of the "random" apple tree waiting patiently in time and space or whatever (and in fragments of flowing energy...dark or not) for the appropriate opportunity without knowing why to bonk the perfect heads of history's Sir Isaac Newtons; perhaps to stimulate the UNI-ballish dream-imaginations of countless perfect red apples, fruits of boundless curiosity. WHY? I don't know! Do you? My UNI-ball dream-imagines itself as inherent unavoidable perfection to be a perfect sphere in order to be perfectly just to itself and every THING "within" it. So everything all fragments can be recycled hence renewed perfectly and uniquely with no repetition as gigantic big bang singularity babies are born re-born re-born re-born from the eternally renewed wombs of perfectly recycled and forever recycling mother black holes; cycling over, over, over dancing through infinities aeon to aeon from remote futures to distant pasts. O' God: What is the TRUTH of this "from dust to dust" dance of mortal beings with immortality? Now, and here and there this eternally perfect recycling of star stuff the unique dance of perfect renewal happens everywhere and every-when in my perfectly spherical imagined UNI-ball dream. In other puny human words this mother and baby dance of birth and death keeps every THING every particle I mean EVERY thing engaged in the inevitable decadent dance of intense inescapable particle attraction causing ALL extremely squeezed big bang babies to eventually find no choice but to explode out of the singularity (or whatever) wombs of ALL mother black holes; so all babies become mothers who then, again and again, and again become perfectly recycled uniquely renewed miracle baby fragments or stars; So this unique eternal dance of unique babies
and unique mothers goes on forever in the belly of my apple-like UNI-ball. Why? What for? By who? God? I mean, this SELF-LESS miracle UNI-ball is in the absolute fact of my dream-imagination an ever self-renewing sacred (?) recycling machine that is always pregnant with thus giving cosmontological birth to being and un-being; to the maddening two sides of this ungraspable coin which has a value that is impossible to measure. And in the perfectly imagined dark night that keeps birthing this dream of mine somehow there "is" a lot, a lot of impossible to see dark matter, lots of attractively grave dark energy; Right? Could this dark matter and dark energy be that loving ever-present invisible mama-midwife to the pregnancy and birth dance of the exponentially expanding visible star stuff? Could this dark stuff be the powerful collectively unconscious gravitational influence the hidden "muscle memory," if you will, that keeps the dance of recycling forms in perfect harmony? In perfect order? Could wormholes be the birth canals of recycled new baby big bangs, cosmontologically exiting their mama black holes on her "other" sides? Frustrated, I keep asking: What is the (dark) matter with my dream-imagination in this dark night of unknowability? Anyhow because "my" goofy sufi UNI-ballish dream-imagination that has evolved out of this miraculous evolutionary dance and keeps big-banging out of the never-ending recycled wombs of "my" uncountable black-hole-mamas is essentially a crying baby, I hereby dream-imagine under the penalty of perjury that my one and only UNI-ball home is and always has been, and forever will be pregnant with a grand grand unfathomable purpose carrying a perfectly mysterious inherent meaning somehow some-why. Could the purpose, the meaning, of all this recycling somehow involve an evolutionary dance toward perfection, toward the "self-actualization" of the Uni-ball? Being a barely evolved baby I am wise enough to let ontologists, physicists philosophers, theologians jurists, and poets (and all other crazy ones) worry about the grand how, and especially the grand WHY of this ashes to ashes, dust to dust dance of cosmontological recycling, this miraculous unique renewing, witnessed by the silently invisible gravitational smile of a being for whom my knowing or not knowing does not (dark) matter. Does the baby chick while still inside the egg ask such crazy WHY and HOW questions? Does it ask--or is it programmed to ask: How has my Uni-ball home come to be? What is its Uni-ballish function? purpose? meaning? WHY? WHY? I don't know. All I can do is doing my one and only job: Crying in my big-bang baby dream for the evolved milk of EVENTUALLY aware imagination. Will you join me? CRY PLEASE! Before it is too late. NOTE: See this poem-related essay, and the above image, here:
Big Bang as a black hole inside another universe?
Tim Andersen (2020)

Copyright ©  | Year Posted 2020

Moji Agha's mini-bio--in need of updating:

Some of brother Moji's other English language poems (besides the one above--including the ones published in the PS: It's Still Poetry anthology book) are here at Poetry Soup:

CONTACT: Moji Agha



Black Hole Mysteries Solved

Roger Penrose -- Infinite Cycles of Big Bangs
(See minutes 62 to 82)

Roger Penrose -- Why Did Our Universe Begin?

Roger Penrose -- Reality, Consciousness, Quantum and the Universe

Roger Penrose -- Gravity, Hawking Points and Twistor Theory

Don Lincoln -- What Happened Before the Big Bang?
(See minute 12 to end)  

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The Cosmontological UNI-ball Poem Theory

Cosmological + Ontological = Cosmontological CONTACT: The Cosmontological UNI-ball Poem Theory   may have literally drea...